Dr. Nurullah Demir


  • Robuste Web Sicherheitsmechanismen
  • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Open Source Intelligence

Aktivitäten als Gutachter wissenschaftlicher Arbeit

  • Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) PC: 2024
  • Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb) PC: 2024
  • ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) AE: 2023
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communications (SIGCOMM) AE: 2023
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) – Artifact Review Committee Member: 2021, 2022, 2023
  • USENIX Security Symposium, Artifact Evaluation Committee Member: 2023
  • ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) – Shadow PC Member: 2023
  • European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS): 2023 (Sub-Reviewing) 



2024Nurullah Demir, Tobias Urban, Norbert Pohlmann, and Christian Wressnegger A Large-Scale Study of Cookie Banner Interaction Tools and Their Impact on Users’ Privacy 23rd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium 2024 (PETS)
2023Nurullah Demir, Jan Hörnemann, Matteo Große-Kampmann, Tobias Urban, Norbert Pohlmann, Torsten Holz, and Christian Wressnegger On the Similarity of Web Measurements Under Different Experimental Setups Proc. of the 23rd Internet Measurement Conference 2023 (IMC)Dominik Adler, Nurullah Demir, Norbert Pohlmann Angriffe auf die Künstliche Intelligenz – Bedrohungen und Schutzmaßnahmen IT-Sicherheit – Mittelstandsmagazin für Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz, DATAKONTEXT-Fachverlag, 2023
2022Nurullah Demir, Matteo Große-Kampmann, Tobias Urban, Christian Wressnegger, Thorsten Holz, and Norbert Pohlmann. Reproducibility and Replicability of Web Measurement Studies. The Web Conference 2022 (WWW). 2022. https://doi.org/10.1145/3485447.3512214. Best Paper CandidateNurullah Demir, Daniel Theis, Tobias Urban, Norbert Pohlmann. Towards Understanding First-Party Cookie Tracking in the Field. Sicherheit: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit. 2022 Tom van Goethem and Nurullah Demir The 2022 Web Almanac: HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report — Security Chapter. HTTPArchive.org, 2022.
2021Nurullah Demir, Tobias Urban, Kevin Wittek, and Norbert Pohlmann. Our (in) Secure Web: Understanding Update Behavior of Websites and Its Impact on Security. Passive and Active Measurement (PAM). 2021 S. Sengupta, T.V. Goethem, N. Demir, The 2021 Web Almanac: HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report – Security Chapter [E-BOOK] HTTPArchive
2020Tom van Goethem, Nurullah Demir, Barry Pollard The 2020 Web Almanac: HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report – Security Chapter [E-BOOK] HTTPArchive
2018Nurullah Demir, Norbert Pohlmann Das Social-Ident-Projekt. Identitäts-Check anhand sozialer Netzwerke Fachmagazin für Informationssicherheit und Compliance, DATAKONTEXT-Fachverlag


03/2015 & 08/20153 x Google Application Security Reward Recipient von Google LLC https://www.google.com/about/appsecurity/hall-of-fame/archive/
05/2016eBay Application Security Reward Recipient von eBay Inc. http://ebay.com/securitycenter/ResearchersAcknowledgement.html
03/2017Apple Application Security Reward Recipient von Apple Inc. https://support.apple.com/de-de/HT201536
06/2017Telekom Application Security Reward Recipient von Telekom Deutschland GmbH https://www.telekom.com/de/verantwortung/datenschutz-und-datensicherheit/sicherheit/sicherheit/danksagungen-342720
07/2017Vodafone KRITIS Security Reward Recipient von Vodafone GmbH https://www.vodafone.de/business/firmenkunden/darum-vodafone/zertifikate-und-kooperationen.html
08/2017Tesla Software Security Reward Recipient von Vodafone GmbH https://bugcrowd.com/Nurullah
10/2018Samsung Mobile Security Reward Recipient von Samsung Group https://bugcrowd.com/Nurullah
